
Samsung Human Torch Event for the inaugural Youth Olympic Games

Last Friday was a significant day as the first Youth Olympic flame was lit in an official ceremony outside the famed Temple of Hera in ancient Olympia, Greece. With that, it marks the start of the journey of the Youth Olympic flame! The flame will be carried by torchbearers, and it will make its way from Greece to Singapore, via five continents. The flame will arrive on August 05, after a 13-day journey, before it will be used to light the cauldron to mark the start of the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games (YOG).

And to celebrate the lighting of the Youth Olympic flame in Greece, a spectacular event was organized by the International Presenting Partner of the Journey of the Youth Olympic Flame (JYOF) and Worldwide Olympic Partner - SAMSUNG.

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Held at the grass field at Merchant Loop, a total of 2010 students from 6 local educational institutions gathered to form the shape of a (giant) torch. They were the human torch, which lighted up at exactly 2010hours, with the help of a battery-powered torch (looks like the Olympic torch, with flame somemore!). Please don't tell me you were expecting that 'Human Torch' was to be of humans being lighted up ok? :p

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Giant human torch! Getting ready to light up at 2010 hours!
(Could we have been able to enter into the Guiness World Records? HEE!)

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Standing on a canvas sheet on a muddy field? No problem!
Squashed like sardines and feeling so hot and sticky? No problem!
Super high tide and gotta control one's bladder? No problem!
But if 201 students decide to feign illness? LOTSA PROBLEMS!
So what if its only 10% of the total number of students forming the human torch?
It wouldn't be a perfect torch formation!
So you see, every one played an important part to make this a success!

Glad to have witnessed the special moment
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Diana and I. Taking pictures with Lyo, one of the YOG mascots. :)
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The other YOG mascot - Merly
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Tapas and drinks were going around the VIP tent.
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

The event started with speeches...

Followed by percussion band creating a loud atmosphere to warm everyone up for that exciting moment....

And a lady dressed in a mardi-gras orange costume danced to the music and beat of the percussion music...

There were some guys doing awesome capoeira moves...

Most interesting performance was by the fire blowers!Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

This fire blowing performance is also known as fire breathing.
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Want to know how this is being done? :p
The guy holds onto a stick that is already lighted with fire.
He pours a type of flammable liquid into his mouth but not swallowing it.
Afterwhich, he promptly sprays it out towards that 'fire stick'.
And POOF! A huge ball of fire appears!

But please do not try this at home! OK?!?!
All these pros are trained under close supervision with all precautions made.

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Snapshot! :D
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

As we counted down to 2010hours, I was wondering how magnificent the whole scene would be... It was beautiful....

[Red = Flame] & [Blue = Torch]
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Sezairi Sezali performed several songs for all those present. I heard the second song that he sang that night. Anyone has any idea what was the song title???

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Lotsa students went crazy over him, jumping and screaming away.
(Ok, I'd probably do that if its Lady Gaga or X Japan.)
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

The students practically ran towards the stagefront when the emcees (987fm DJs) invited them to, while screaming away. They must have been very happy to get upclose with the winner of the third edition of the Singapore Idol contest. :)

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Had to sign an indemnity form before one goes up! Thinks its about 3 to 4 storey high.
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

I thought it would be awesome to view the whole site from up there...
(The white round thing at the top right of the pic below is the moon btw)
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

And I went up! After the lighting up though~

Nice view, isn't it? :)
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Only 4 pax could go up each time.
So I went up with these other bloggers.

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Sezairi Sezali with Samsung peeps.
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Sezairi Sezali was very obliging with photographs! What a lovely guy~ Other than taking group shots with two different groups of bloggers (invited from 2 diff sources, you see), he also took some shots with individuals! And that includes me. But I must wait for Leon to post up/email me the pictures first.

More pics! Taken by Claudia! :)

Spot Me! :p

Group Shot with Sezairi Sezali

Another one~ :)

And another! See, he's so obliging and nice right? :)

For this event, we were each given a goodie bag.
The very same one that the student participants received.
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human TorchYouth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

So there was a bottle of mineral water, a dri-fit shirt (the same one that the boy in the pic below was wearing) and a Samsung mini towel. I think whatever it was inside came in handy to the participants! :D

Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

This is the torch that the participants used to light up!
I light up too! For Singapore! For YOG!
I'm so proud that my country is the host for the very first YOG!!
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human TorchYouth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

The Samsung mini towel can be used as a Samsung beauty pageant sash too! LOL!
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch
Blue top by Club Monaco. Matches so well with Samsung's corporate color! :p
Bought it 3 mths ago, but only wore it for the first time on Saturday.

And now for the final thing...
Youth Olympic Games 2010 - Samsung Human Torch

Samsung Singapore invites you to join their Facebook page!!!
Click [HERE]!!!

Other than being updated with the latest Samsung news such as the Samsung Human Torch event (view more pics and vids of the event at the facebook page!), who knows what awesome contests or promo updates there may be!

Click on link for Samsung SG facebook page and "LIKE" it! :)


Anyway, after the event ended, some of us hanged out at Brewerks and Claudia showed us the Apple iPad she bought that very day it was released in Singapore! Check out the pics below!


Ok, thats all.
There's more stuff about Samsung and YOG which I will be blogging about!
So stay tuned! (^_^)

Found a blog by one of the Samsung Human Torch student participant.
Read his entry by clicking [HERE] and look at July 25th entry.

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