
The recent change to my hair (Pics!)

If you happened to follow my tweets on Twitter (@felizaong), you would have known that I had my hair trimmed, colored and treated few days ago at Shunji Matsuo salon. Thanks Shunji-san for the sponsorship! As well as my stylist (Haruka-san) and her assistant (Alice) for their time and effort! :)

This was how I looked after my 4.5 hours hair job.
I have also taken pictures of the hair session. Will post them up soon!
Taken using my Canon DSLR.

This was taken once I headed to the carpark (with bad lighting) from the salon.
Taken using the front camera of the Samsung Galaxy BEAM phone.
I absolutely love the Samsung's front camera feature! Had it in my previous 2 Samsung phones!

Friday night out to Vivocity for dinner and shopping!
Taken using the Samsung BEAM

Bought this black top at Vivocity.
As well as 2 crossback tops from Forever 21.

Simple look, without any makeup. Taken using the Samsung BEAM.

And no, I did not buy the Samsung Galaxy Beam. Samsung Singapore gave me to use it for a week to review it. I wish to have this phone though, cos I LOVE the front camera and Pico Projector! Check out the lil video I did when I was at Henderson Waves with @anthonyl1m, after our Vivocity trip on Friday.

6 Response to The recent change to my hair (Pics!)

9 August 2010 at 01:25

You always look so pretty. Like the light blue top, even the photos look less clear, you still look very sexy and pretty. D3lonely

9 August 2010 at 02:06

Did you get to try out the Samsaung Galaxy S?
I can't decide between the Samsung Galaxy S or iPhone 4.

9 August 2010 at 11:38

Oh, you look really nice. With the hair trim, you look more cheerful and energetic! One word - beautiful! :)

9 August 2010 at 18:08

@D3 Thanks :)

@Lee Yup I feel fresher and more energetic! :) Thanks for your kind words.... :)

9 August 2010 at 18:09

@Anonymous I did not receive the Galaxy S for a review. But as I have been shopping around for a mobile phone, I kinda did some research and hands-on testing with my friend's Galaxy S.

Both have its pros and cons, and it really depends what you want. Galaxy S is on Andriod platform. I feel that there are indeed many apps in the Andriod market that can fight with Apple. iPhone4 and galaxy S color + screen clarity is indeed crystal-clear. Both have a good screen dimension size too. Both are slim, in my context. It really depends what you want at the end of the day and what you seek for in a phone and its features+functions. :)

I did queue up for the iPhone 4. But I let it go to my boyfriend first (since I have this Samsung BEAM to try out for now). Cos I was actually contemplating between iP4, galaxy S and galaxy BEAM as my next mobile phone. I have been a fan of Samsung phones (specifically flip phones with front cam, those were ultra awesome as the front cam is not VGA, but its at least X-mega pixel.)

So my plan is to test out the Samsung BEAM, and then decide which phone should I get in a few weeks time - iphone 4 or Galaxy BEAM. The pico projector is one reason why I am thinking of getting this phone. :)

11 August 2010 at 13:45

so how is yr news phone? And update more of your beautiful photo ba

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