
Chinese New Year "Lo Hei" with Singapore Flyer

The practice of tossing Yu Sheng (鱼生), also known as 'Lo Hei' in Cantonese, is something that the Chinese celebrates during the Chinese New Year (CNY) period. This is because 鱼生 sounds very similar to 余升, thus this dish is a symbol of abundance, vigor, longevity and prosperity.

Other than the usual CNY goodies, the Yu Sheng dish is one that I look forward to every Chinese New Year!~ Some people also eat it on the 7th day of CNY (which is, by the way today: 09 Febuary 2011), as it is 人日... A day so special as it is considered as the birthday of all human beings.

And since it is believed that the higher that one tosses signifies one's higher growth in fortune, what better way to increase my fortune and luck such as to toss the Yu Sheng 165 metres above ground level??? (^_^) And I did just that, all thanks to a special invitation by Singapore Flyer and their agencies.

The Singapore Flyer celebrates Chinese New Year! :)

We were ushered into one of these capsules immediately once everyone arrived.
Express boarding privileges included in the CNY Lo Hei Package!


Once we entered the capsule that was decorated with a CNY theme, we were greeted by 2 in-flight hosts and several servers whom had done a great job throughout the Singapore Flight. The CNY mood was indeed present with the CNY music that filled the whole capsule, along many stuff that were red in color~ :)

What impressed me most was this!!! >>

There were two of such tables (as seen in the pic above) in the capsule. The paper bags contained mandarin oranges and red packets for the guests. The most prominent was of course, the Prosperity Yu Sheng dish that was placed in the middle of the table.

Other than the free flow of wine ,beer, juices and soft drinks,
there was also a selection of oriental canapes for us~ :)

The capsule had a lighting effect as seen below.
It certainly gave a cosy feel to it! :)


The Yu Sheng that we would be "Lo-ing" to~ :)
We started our Lo Hei once the capsule reached the highest point! Most luck!!!
As calculated by Feng Shui MAster Vincent Koh, whom Singapore Flyer had collaborated with.

The host that uttered auspicious sayings while preparing the Yu Sheng for us! :)
For this part, where pepper & five-spice powder was sprinkled, one should say 一本万利.

And when golden cooking oil & fruity plum sauce is poured, one should say 油水多多!

Other than the sugary melon, I love these! The crackers!
And when one pours this,
满地黄金 should be uttered. :)

Here's a short video of the Host preparing the Yu Sheng for us...

And here's us tossing up a good fortune! ^_^

When we were done with our Lo Hei...

Yummy Yu Sheng!

Once the flight was over (one rotation, about 30 minutes), we got off the capsule and proceeded to step number 2 of the Singapore Flyer's Auspicious Trail, a short walk to the Wishing Well to receive the Earth Chi. And yes, while we were up in the air, that was our step number 1 of the Auspicious Trail, where we made our wish as the Heaven Chi is the most optimum as there is no obstruction between the heaven and you (other than the capsule ceiling. Duh!).


Step 3 of the Auspicious Trail was to sound the Gong by trying to hit it with a coin
from a distance away. In this way, one's Human Chi can be improved!


And several bloggers did improve their Human Chi that evening! :p

It was an interesting evening, celebrating CNY about a fortnight earlier. It was my first time having a Lo Hei session up in the sky! A very high experience indeed... and I meant it literally too! If you are interested in experiencing this too, click [HERE] for more info! And yes, to book this amazing CNY flyer experience, it is at a cost of a lucky number: S$1,888. You may like to [check this out] to know what Singapore Flyer has in store for all for this CNY! :)

Before we called it a night, a mini group pic! :)

As it is still the CNY festive period, I would like to wish all of my dear readers...
A Blessed Chinese New Year filled with lotsa fortune, love and good health! :)


P/s: I will be having my 6th Yu Sheng for this CNY tonight!!! Hehe! ^_^

2 Response to Chinese New Year "Lo Hei" with Singapore Flyer

10 February 2011 at 09:33

You always look so pretty and sexy, even the noise or unclear photos can't cover yr beauty, you're very pretty and really very sexy, my beautiful princess, D3lonely

11 February 2011 at 01:02

You won't need any mosquito bites to prove that you're sweet cause I guess anyone who is blessed to kiss your sexy lip will find that you taste sweet. You're really a very beautiful, very sexy, and very sweet lady. Like your today photo, you look very beautiful and sexy again even the photo is noise. Can't wait to see your dress up tomorrow and really miss your dance alot. D3lonely

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